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Comparing Rubber Playground Flooring to Other Play Surface Options

7 Jun 2024 | Landscaping, Rubber Playground Flooring

A look at the pros and cons of rubber playground flooring and how it stacks up against other play surface options.

When designing a playground, the choice of surface material is crucial for safety, durability, and aesthetics. At Cheshire Bound, we specialise in bespoke, high-end landscaping services, including the installation of rubber playground flooring. While there are numerous play surface options available, rubber flooring offers unique benefits that make it a superior choice for many playground projects. Let’s explore how rubber playground flooring compares to other popular play surface options.

Comparing Rubber Playground Flooring to Other Play Surface Options

Safety First: Impact Absorption

The primary consideration for any playground surface is safety. Rubber playground flooring excels in this area due to its excellent impact absorption properties. Unlike traditional surfaces such as grass, tarmac, or even artificial grass or sand, rubber flooring provides a cushioned layer that significantly reduces the risk of injuries from falls. This makes it an ideal choice for playgrounds, where children’s safety is paramount.

Grass can become uneven and hard over time, especially in the colder months, and usually offers little ability to cushion falls effectively. Artificial grass and sand likewise do not offer anywhere near the levels shock absorption of rubber flooring which remains consistently soft and resilient, providing a safer play environment year-round.

Durability and Maintenance

When it comes to durability, rubber playground flooring stands out. It is highly resistant to wear and tear, weather conditions, and heavy foot traffic. Unlike natural grass, which requires regular mowing, watering, and fertilising, rubber flooring is low-maintenance. It doesn’t develop bare patches or mud puddles, ensuring a clean and inviting play area regardless of the weather.

Other surfaces like bark or wood chips need frequent replenishment and can become scattered or compacted, reducing their effectiveness and aesthetic appeal. Sand, while popular for its soft texture, can harbour debris and pests, necessitating regular raking and cleaning. Rubber flooring, on the other hand, requires minimal upkeep, typically involving occasional sweeping and washing to keep it looking pristine.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Creating an inclusive play environment is another key consideration. Rubber playground flooring provides a smooth, even surface that is accessible to all children, including those with mobility challenges. Wheelchairs and pushchairs can easily navigate the level surface, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the playground.

In comparison, surfaces like gravel, sand, and bark can be difficult for wheelchairs to traverse, limiting accessibility. Grass, while more navigable, can become uneven and muddy, creating barriers for children with mobility issues. Rubber flooring’s seamless and stable surface promotes inclusivity, allowing children of all abilities to play together without hindrance.

Aesthetic Versatility

Beyond safety and functionality, the aesthetic appeal of a playground is essential for creating an fun, inviting and engaging space. Rubber playground flooring offers a wide range of design possibilities, with various colours, patterns, and textures available. This versatility allows us to create bespoke designs that complement the overall theme and style of your playground.

Natural surfaces like grass and wood chips provide a rustic look but lack the customisation options of rubber flooring. Concrete can be coloured or stamped but offers no safety from falls and doesn’t offer the same level of creativity and vibrancy. With rubber flooring, we can incorporate playful designs, educational elements, or brand logos, making the playground not only safe and functional but also visually stimulating.

Environmental Considerations

Sustainability is increasingly important in landscaping projects. Rubber playground flooring can be an eco-friendly option, especially when made from recycled materials such as old tyres. This helps reduce waste and promotes recycling, aligning with environmentally conscious practices.

Rubber flooring’s longevity and recyclability make it a sustainable choice for modern playgrounds.

Round Up – The Pros and Cons of Playground Surfacing Options

Surface TypeProsCons
Rubber Flooring– Excellent impact absorption, reducing injury risk
– Highly durable and weather-resistant
– Low maintenance
– Accessible for all abilities
– Aesthetic versatility with various colours and patterns
– Can be made from recycled materials, promoting sustainability
– Higher initial cost
– Can get hot in direct sunlight
– Requires professional installation
Real Grass– Natural look and feel
– Cooler surface in hot weather
– Environmentally friendly, provides natural air filtration
– Requires regular maintenance (mowing, watering, fertilising)
– Can become muddy and uneven
– Limited impact absorption
– Not accessible for all abilities
– Wears out under heavy foot traffic
Artificial Grass– Low maintenance
– Consistent appearance
– Good drainage, no mud
– Some impact absorption
– Durable and weather-resistant
– Can get hot in direct sunlight
– Higher initial cost than real grass
– Requires proper installation
– Can be less eco-friendly depending on materials used
Woodchips– Natural appearance
– Provides some impact absorption
– Relatively low cost
– Easy to replenish
– Requires regular replenishment
– Can scatter and create uneven surfaces
– Potential for hidden hazards (sharp objects, insects)
– Not easily navigable for wheelchairs and pushchairs
Sand– Soft surface, good for impact absorption
– Inexpensive
– Easy to install
– Can become scattered and uneven
– Requires frequent cleaning- Can harbour debris and pests
– Not easily navigable for wheelchairs and pushchairs
– Can get hot in direct sunlight


Choosing the right playground surface is a critical decision that impacts safety, durability, accessibility, and aesthetics. At Cheshire Bound, we believe rubber playground flooring offers unparalleled benefits, making it an excellent choice for bespoke, high-end playground projects whether used on its own or alongside other playground surfacing options such as artificial grass. Our comprehensive services, from design to installation, and attention to details throughout from the groundworks to the final finish, ensure that your playground is not only safe and durable but also beautiful and inclusive.

Contact us today to discuss how we can create the perfect play area for your needs.

Cheshire Bound Stone covers all of the South Manchester and Cheshire areas including Hale, Wilmslow, Alderley Edge, Prestbury, Macclesfield, Bramhall, Cheadle Hulme, Heaton Moor, Stockport, Knutsford and Didsbury.

Book your free design consultation today!

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